Advertising and Marketing
1) Define terms Marketing & Advertising.
Ans: – Marketing is a way of managing a business so that each important business decision is made with full knowledge of the impact it will have on the customer. – It requires drawing a management plan that views all marketing components as part of a total system that requires effective strategy, planning, organization, leadership and control.
- Marketing deals with all steps between determining customer needs and supplying them at profit.
Advertising is the process of reaching the customer using a broadcast or direct mass campaign played to influence purchasing behaviour.
- Advertising plans are conceived within the parameters user by a marketing plan.
2) Explain Online Advertising Patters.
Ans: – On-Line Advertising Patterns:
Two different advertising models in the online world: active or push-based advertising and passive or pull-based advertising.
1) Active or Push-based Advertising: There are two types of push-based advertising:
The broadcast model and Junk email (direct and unsolicited advertising).
a) TheBroadcast Model: Broadcast messages provide a means for reaching a great number of people in a short period of time.
– The broadcast model basically mimics the traditional model, in which the customer is exposed to the advertisement during TV programming. The broadcast model typically uses direct mail, spot televisions or cable television.
b) The Junk Mail Model: Direct mail advertisers use targeted mailing lists to reach highly specialised audiences.
– The disadvantage of direct mail includes relatively high cost per contact, the need to obtain updated and accurate mailing lists.
2) Passive or Pull-based Advertising: Apart from the negative response it evokes, push- based advertising simply misses the fundamental point of interactivity marketing, adaptability, flexibility and responsiveness.
– The online pull-based advertising includes:
à A Bill Boards: The billboard model refers to information placed where it will come to the attention of customers in the course of other activities and does not require active search eg. web pages set up by many different commercial ventures.
à Catalogue or Yellow Pages Directory Model: The catalogue model is the least intrusive model but requires active search on the part of the customer.
3) What are Guidelines for Advertising & Marketing?
Ans: – Guidelines for Advertising on the Internet:
- Don’t send intrusive messages. People should not receive a commercial message they either haven’t asked to receive or do not want to receive.
- Don’t sell consumer data without the express permission of the user.
- Advertising should appear only in designated newsgroups and list servers. (iv) Conduct promotions and direct selling only under full disclosure. Marketers should be free to offer promotions on the network.
- Conduct research only with the informed consent. Marketers should be able to conduct consumer research so long as respondents are made fully aware of the consequences of answering the research questionnaire.
- Never use Internet communication software to conceal activities. Marketers should never gather data from users without asking for permission. – These guidelines seem a middle ground between being completely noncommercial and a complete free-for-all.