Web Design

1) What is Website? How you develop a Website? Mention its tools, technique and methods.

Ans:- A website is a collection of related web pages, including multimediacontent, typically identified with a common domain name, and published on at least one web server .

Steps to Develop Website :

Step 1: Choose Your Website Platform: – Before you start worrying about colour schemes and domain names, you’ve got to decide what platform you’re going to build your website with.


Web hosting is like rent for your website, including the pages, images, documents, and other resources needed to display that site.

  • Web hosting uses a web server, which is where you put that website resource so others can access the through the Web. You can build a fully functional website on your personal computer.

STEP 2: REGISTERING A DOMAIN NAME: – A domain name is a friendly

URL people can type into their browser to get to your website.

Some examples of domain names include: webdesign.about.com


I) Navigation design : How users will move around your site affects its information architecture as well as the overall usability of that site. Plan out the pages a site, create a sitemap, and develop a navigational structure from there.

ii) Content : As the saying goes, “content is king” online. The quality of your site’s content will play an important role in its success.

– Content is everything that your pages will contain, such as text, images, video and more.


2) Explain Web Design Process.

Ans: – Web Design Process:

  • The size of a website varies from tiny to very large i.e. few HTML pages to several thousand pages.
  • The tiny or very small sites are usually built by the single developer where no strong site building methodology is adopted.
  • The unplanned sites exhibit some common problems such as broken links, Malfunctioning, script etc.
  • The code developed using this method leads to a maintenance problem. The success factors for hosting and maintaining huge sites are as follows:

à Planning

àTop Down Design

àImplementation a Testing

àDeploying a site in a structured manner.

Note: Ad hoc is the term used to refer unplanned and temporary arrangement made to accomplish a task.

Basic Web Process Model: There are various phases involved in website development just like any other software.

  • The process model must help the developers in the following ways:

àTo address the complexity of the site.

àTo minimise the risk of project failure.

àTo deal the near certainty of change.

àTo deliver the site quickly

  • The ‘waterfall’ model is the most common model adopted in software engineering.
  • This model describes the phases in the lifetime of the software.
  • Though most web developers adopt the waterfall model for site development, – The waterfall approach makes the developers plan everything but it requires vast experience.

The following diagram shows the waterfall model:

3) Explain SITE Types & Its Architecture.

Ans: – SITE TYPES:There are several ways to categorise websites. The following three are the general categories of websites:

A Public Website: An Internet website also called external website is one that is not explicitly restricted to a particular class of users.

à An intranet website: It is private to a particular organisation, generally run within a private network rather than on the Internet at large.

à An Extranet site: This type of website is available to a limited class of users, but is available via the public Internet.

  • The major difference between the three basic site categorizations is an audience. – The public website designers know little about the users whereas the designers of private websites can meet every user of the site and take input.
  • The following list shows the grouping types:


àFrequency of change

àTime of Page Creation


àTechnology Usage

i) Grouping by Interactivity:Sites may allow users to just view the content or modify to some extent.

  • A ‘static site’ is one where content is relatively fixed and users are unable to affect the look or scope of the data they view.
  • Accessing a static website is like reading a paper magazine where users normally flip back and forth between pages.

ii) Grouping by Frequency of Change: The contents of the site may be changed over time. Changes may happen daily, weekly, monthly and so on. – The sites that never change are said to be static.

SITE Architecture :

There are two structural aspects of my website. They are:

i) Logical structure: The logical structure will describe documents that are related documents i.e. link between documents. ii) Physical structure: The physical structure describes where a document actually lives i.e, the documents directory path on a web server or its location in a database.

  • The designers must hide the real path. In other words, users should not be shown the physical file structure of the site.
  • There are four main organisational models used in websites. They are: a) Linear b) Grid c) Hierarchy d) Web

a) Linear Model: The linear form is very common in many sites. The information is presented in a linear fashion just like the flow of textbook contents.

– This model is adopted whenever a step by step procedure is necessarily in linear order.

4)Explain Navigation Theory and Practice.

Ans: – Navigation Theory and Practice:

  • Navigation is a journey to move from one place to another place through a path. – In large websites, voluminous information is organised in a very complex structure. In addition to this sites are interlinked. Site users are usually interested in reaching a specific page quickly.
  • For this, designers must place the navigational elements clearly and appropriately.

There are really only five general areas for navigational elements in a web page. top, bottom, left, right and centre .

i) Top Navigation: In most of the websites, ‘navigation choices are placed at the top of the screen because they will be shown immediately. – Page contents are normally downloaded in top-down order.

  • Also traditionally in graphical user interfaces, menus are placed at the top of the screen.
  • The disadvantage of this navigational style is scroll problem.
  • When the user reaches the bottom of the page again, scroll up to the top of the page for the link is a tiresome job.

ii) Bottom Navigation: Placing navigation controls at the bottom of pages is less preferred as it forces scrolling unless page content is less.

– Using frames or other technologies, it is possible to fix navigation at the bottom of the screen that appears on the screen.

iii) Left Navigation: This style of page design is very common because most readers will scan information from left to right.

  • This helps to navigate directly to the reading path of the user.
  • Sometimes, left navigation controls distract reading and also occupies more screen area.
  • To have navigational controls at the left side of the page without gobbling screen area, few approaches are adopted.

They are:

àContents must be placed in such a way that only scrolling should be possible (without panning across the screen).

àOpen a new window for wide content.

iv) Right Navigation: Recently, placing navigational elements at the right side of the screen has become popular.

  • This style facilitates limiting mouse travel because navigation controls are nearer to scroll bar.
  • Right navigation has serious drawback i.e. depending on a user’s monitor or browser size, the distance from left to right of the screen may vary greatly. – Right navigation is highly discouraged but not ruled out.